How to create & manage goals? (parent)


Arjun Karthik

4/21/20231 min read

To create a goal:

  1. Press the goal icon in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Press the + button in the bottom-right corner

  3. Input the information and press "Add Goal"

To manage a goal:

On the main goals screen, you can see all the goals that are assigned to you and your linked member(s).

If you select a goal tile, you can see further details about the goal. There are 3 tabs:

Goal Details:

Here you can view important details about the goal:

  • Basic information about the goal including goal name, description and due date

  • Visibility: whether the goal is private (only you can see it) or if it can be seen by the your parent and coaches

  • Goal progress: the status & the progress bar tell you how much of the goal has been accomplished

Goal Actions:

You can also assign actions under the goal to assist in completing the goal.

For example: for a goal to run 10km total in a week, you can break that goal down into actionable steps by creating 5 actions to run 2km each. These actions can be marked as completed when they have been completed and by the end the goal of running 10km has been completed!

Note: these actions can also be viewed from the main actions screen

Goal Feedback:

You can also provide feedback in the goal section.

You can write feedback in the text box or you can upload a document, photo, or video (e.g., written report, photographic evidence) in response to the goal.